Thursday, October 29, 2009

month of fuuun :D

Ive been ballin' this month!
Things have been hectic since now i'm undergoing my hopes of one of my cita2, hopefully god see's how much compassion I have for it.
Ive been enjoying every single second of my time being busy and this is a once in a lifetime chance I get to say that im actually enjoy STUDYING

It all started when me ezra and yaya just volunteered on giving out undang's for bulcup and yaya of course took the north area, kelapa gading dan sekitar. And alhamdullilahnya we went to all the schools that we thought was possible, seriously anyone considering trying to drive with ezra THINK AGAIN. that guy is literally SLOW THINKING AND DOESN'T KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LEFT AND RIGHT, MHUAHUUAHAH.. But loyal-ie he stayed beside me and yaya's side and became our curhat trash. But it was good to know ezra is a sensative careless piece of asshole that destroyed citra of men. Thank you ezra. In the car we weren't alone, kita ditemenin temen gw ama ezra to get us around town, so that was fun. Thank you cinta for sparing your time with us. Your contribution of stupidity made our day..Great photo too bad we took it when we were all about to faint from exhaustion

Well anywho, School is getting sooooo much tougher and I am literally ON THE RUN on my eduction. Im going here and there just to go for les and soon my staturdays are also going to be filled with INTENSIVE SIMAK. GODDAMN MY WORLD! But dont worry mama papa, Ill be the yellow jakcets soon *amiiiiiin!*

The most dissapointing thing that happened to me this week would be the lost of a loved one, Im getting used to it. But he was very meaning full to me and he just fitted right there. That empty place that I thought would take a while to fill. Karma comes and go's, oh well.. Im getting better by the day and im enjoying the whole idea of being at one. ALONE :)

I've missed the internet and of course I have missed blogging, im starting to see the whole concept of blogging now, I think ill be seeing you guys veeery soon

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