Monday, May 11, 2009


This post is dedicated to my sister that's in the hospital :)

The hospital wasn't really half that bad, it was an army hospital located in sudirman. Which i may add, I never knew their was one there. It looks really small from the outside, but once your inside tis like BAM!

The people wasn't all that bad either like the ones you see on television, we actually be-friend the nurse to give my sister good food :D

ohhhhhh, what made me stay soooooooooooooooooooooo long and didn't complain was the view of the hospital from my sisters room. It wasn't the best view i've seen, and their were alot of towers but the sky blew me away. The color it makes when you wake up early in the morning and when your about to close the curtains for the day, its really nice and warming.

I was admiring the sky and its personality. How it could be as independent flying from one place to the other and going through different situations and be soo untouched, somehow UNCHANGEABLE.

  I hope all of you are ready to start the long week vacation, while i'm going to get a good night rest saving my energy for this weeks up-coming drama.

I'm a bounce! Chaaaboom!

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