Saturday, October 16, 2010

New me ;)


Hey guys!!!!

hhihihih, hola a todos?!?

he sido un gran!!!
Its a saturday night and tomorrow is going to be a fantastic sunday because...........

we are going out of town, wwwoottt wwoot! road trip :D

well anywho, I just made a tumblr, hihihihi... please do visit and follow ;)

do follow ;)
And I was really iseng with my day today soo..... here's a photo..

see you guys monday and have a great weekend! :)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Things to complete!


  1. make a tumblr
  2. know how to put DAILY MAKE UP
  3. find me within in NY


In 2 days 3 weeks! :D

Hola a todos! :)

OMG it's been a while since I have been writing here and I am oh so very sorry!!!! So I was told that we were moving on the 27th and all of a sudden ON THE 21ST AFTER MY DATE, my LAST date with Ardan on THE NIGHT as I GOT HOME I was told were moving the next day and were to start packing IMMEDIATELY as we got home. I think it was the worst yet the best night because I can finally just let things go without me having to pull it back. When will I ever start to branch and let go of Indo if it didn't go that way? So many things that haven't been said and so many are still kept inside everyone, but I am glad it didn't come out. At least it makes it feel real and mysterious. I have a reason to now go home with all that I have left.
It is a 23 hour plane ride to Mexico city and we transit at Paris, France. Here is the family and me at Paris;)

Aren't we just a happy family? hihihii ;) We were tourist for like 2 days and a night and we stayed at the Wisma in Paris, SORRY TANTE SULLY AK DULUAN YANG TIDUR DISITU ;p And we went straight to mexico!! AND BOOYYY!!! this house is B-E-Y-O-N-D huge.

Here is me in the side yard

In the back of me is the gym OUTSIDE.. We all have private gym's inside our
bathroom and especially my dads. So yes, WE BALLIN'!!!

I hav
e been traveling around mexico city and of course dinning at SAKS which is beyond fine dinning. It was just a perfect lunch, hihihih. Hope to take you guys there soon :)

I am currently staying here until My classes in NY begin, and my pengumuman for CUNY is next month, SO INSYALLAH BISMILLAH!!! AAAMIINNN I will get accepted. Its been a great vacation
But.... I gotta step up my game and start studying.. Hopefully I will transfer my grades after the first year to......


Place pray for me :D hihihihi
Right now I am currently at home and I am starting my classes for Spanish tomorrow and I am UBBEEERR EXCITED!!! hihihihih

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Know whats the real weird part of always being the player? In the end you realize your the one getting played from all the false pretences you made

come, come, come..... come back to my reality. wake, wake, wake me up from this anxiety

Just a dream

I was thinkin about her, thinkin about me
Thinkin about us, what we gonna be?
Open my eyes, yeah; it was only just a dream

wow, just a
If everything I have put on and eventually lost it all
Have I really had it all along or was it all just a dream?
All the tears, love, pain and struggle........

all GONE?!

The thing about this is the man you wish swept you off your feet, REALLY TRULY AND UTTERLY swept me off mines

His an addictive drug
Once is a ride, second is longing the third is pure

Perfection; oddly the easiest way we make mistakes once we've tasted it
EGO taking over to gain MORE and MORE

so, after all of this is over...

Are you real or just a dream?

Friday, September 10, 2010



May god bless us this month full of berkah! Semoga amal ibadah kita diterima disisinya dunia dan akherat, aaamiinnn

This is my first batch of food:

And this is my second batch :p

I was about to sign up for TUMBLR when I found this post that just made me cry a bit inside:

I’m a gay, teenage boy. And I wish I was attracted to women. I want a family when I’m older, I want kids and a wife. And it kills me knowing I’m not attracted to women. So instead, I sleep with a load of men to take my mind off it. Sometimes I just wish the ground would hurry up and swallow me.